7 Simple Steps

A self-guided coaching package to help you decide if your marriage really is over.


Deciding to leave your marriage is a BIG deal. My research has shown that on average, women like you wait 5 years before they leave. Most said that they regretted waiting so long.

What if I told you that you could get clear in less than 7 days about whether you should stay or go?

What if in 7 Simple Steps you had the clarity to face the future with confidence?

Welcome to 7 Simple Steps!


Day 1: Hello

Welcome packet outlining the next few days and the resources you will need.

Day 2: Steps 1 & 2

Getting started – the first stage of the exercise. Where are you right now? Let’s find out.

Day 3: Steps 3 & 4

Where do you want to be? Do you know what you want right now and going forward?

Day 4: Steps 5 & 6

The reality checker. Let’s dig deeper and see where it takes you. What will you learn? What will you uncover?

Day 5: Step 7

You have some answers now. What do they mean for you? What is going to be different from now on? What decisions come to mind?

You Did It!

Congratulations lovely, you did it! Wow. What does this mean for you now? What action steps will you be taking now that you have clarity? It’s all up to you!

Meet Emma, The Divorce Alchemist

Emma Heptonstall is the author of How to be a Lady Who Leaves - The Ultimate Guide to Getting Divorce Ready and a former lawyer. She is a practising Divorce Coach with a specialism in high conflict diversion. Emma has worked with hundreds of women through their divorce: from making the decision to the Decree Absolute. She knows the legal, emotional, and practical landscape of divorce inside out. And she's here to support you to make the best emotional and financial decisions for you and your future.

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