How to be a Lady Who Leaves Book, 3rd Edition
by Emma Heptonstall

How to be a Lady Who Leaves, 3rd edition is a guide book for any woman thinking about or going through divorce in England and Wales. Packed with information, practical hints, tips, extra resources and case studies from ladies just like you going through divorce.
Leaving your husband and getting divorced is a big deal, even when it’s your idea. But how do you know if you’re making the right decision for you, and if you are, what’s the first thing you need to do?
How to be a Lady Who Leaves answers all these questions and more. From understanding the divorce legal process in England and Wales, to getting to grips with your finances, this book shows you how. Worrying how your children will cope with your divorce and how to manage your own emotions? This book covers that too.
With real life case studies from women with different experiences of divorce, this book takes you through the divorce process both practically and emotionally. Packed with hints, tips and action steps, this book is the perfect companion for any woman who is going through divorce.
NEW 2022 Update
This edition of How To Be a Lady Who Leaves The Ultimate Guide to Getting Divorce Ready has been updated with the latest information on the new ‘no-fault’ divorce system introduced in April 2022. If you applied for divorce before April 2022, please refer to the 2nd edition.
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